We connect with girls, young women and nonbinary youth whose loved ones are currently or formerly incarcerated. We aim to work towards a world without prisons.

Sisters Unchained is a prison abolitionist non-profit organization dedicated to supporting girls, young women and nonbinary youth affected by parental incarceration. We are a refuge space where young women can focus on loving and improving themselves and their communities in the way they see fit.

More than just a summer program. We are committed to reclaiming our truths and setting ourselves free from the stigma around incarceration.

Participants gain a deeper understanding of the history of the prison system, including how policies and practices have led to a system that has shaped their individual and collective experience. We facilitate a series of workshops on processing the challenges, grief, trauma and compassion that may come with having an incarcerated parent.

transformative leadership program

Sisters Unchained members host workshops to break the isolation between formerly incarcerated women and girls directly affected by parental incarceration.

We aim to cultivate more intentional spaces for intergenerational healing between women affected by the prison system.

We facilitate rides for any youth with incarcerated parents to visit their loved ones in MA state prisons/county jails. In addition to transportation and meals during the trip, Sisters Unchained provides emotional support for children and family members after visits.

Abolitionist - The Abolitionist movement began to end slavery. An abolitionist is a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially in capital punishment or slavery. In other words, an abolitionist is someone who pushes for the end of a harmful institution such as incarceration.

Ancestral Legacy - something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.